Stuff has happened. I graduated. Two hours of standing and sitting only to walk across a stage in five seconds. I didn't even get my diploma, I got my diploma cover. Woohoo. My parents weren't even in the same room, they were in another room watching it on a screen. This is because UVM decided it would be great to have a first-come first-serve arrangement rather than using tickets, so some kid could've had twenty family members and friends in the room meanwhile my parents had to watch me graduate on a screen, simply because they had arrived later than other people. Great job UVM. Another rousing successful graduation. The speaker was great too. A professor of proverbs, who basically just quoted proverbs for twenty minutes. Yeah, we'd never heard 'A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush', thanks.
So yeah, I'm all gradumatated, learned, intellectual, and educated. Good for me. Now I work for my dad doing manual labor/carpentry/construction. Really puttin' that english degree to use.
My plans to become a licensed teacher in Mass have hit a road block. I passed the tests, and I sent them my transcript and my licensure application is 'Ready for Review'. If it's ready for review, then someone goddamn review it already. It wouldn't take very long. 'Oh here's a transcript, he has a bachelor's degree, oh here's his tests, he passed' and BAM I would have my license.
I'm looking at jobs other than teaching as well. 'Document Specialist' and 'Document Controller' and similar positions for large companies. These jobs are about specializing and controlling documents, something I think an english degree has gotten me ready for. I've editted, proofread, written, and organized documents of all shapes and sizes. So far, I have yet to hear back about any of these positions.
On another note, another thing that has occurred, is that my computer is broken, it will not turn on at all. This is bad. I do not like it.
But it does give me more time to do stuff, like write in this blog. So there's that, I guess.
I'm also on Google+ now, which is interesting. I like it's ideas. The fact that you can control who sees what and organize friends and others into different groups is intuitive. It's lightyears ahead of facebook and I do not doubt that many many people will switch over once it's released and people know about it.
In other news, I'm reading George RR Sanderson's Song of Ice and Fire series and it is quite amazing. He takes fantasy and makes it feel real. It is entirely unpredictable, which seems hard to do in fantasy, to avoid the pitfalls of cliche and tropes in fantasy, but Sanderson does it well. It's a very gritty medieval setting and I am enthralled by it. Good stuff.
In other other news, maybe the US is going to default on our debt. That doesn't sound good. That sounds like something we wouldn't want to happen. All I know is I'm getting sick of the fucking bickering and general aggressive attitude between the two parties. All they seem to do is fight each other and nothing gets done. I think we need some more fucking moderate politicians in office.
But what do I know? I'm a 22 year old English degree graduate trying to make my way through the world. Stuff's happening, and I'm just trying to figure shit out.
"Be in my joint in two hours, we're forming a fuckin government!"
-Al Swearengen, Deadwood.
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